Interview with Reagan Sahadi – Texas Personal Injury Attorney

Reagan Sahadi is a tenacious, hardworking personal injury attorney who represents clients in wrongful death and catastrophic injury cases throughout Texas and the nation. Reagan Sahadi was raised in South Texas and comes from a family of entrepreneurs. He received his bachelor’s in business administration from St.

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Historic bank building donated to City of Goliad

A Corpus Christi couple with Goliad ties has purchased and donated a historic bank to the city in hopes that it could one day be converted into a new city hall. Attorney Reagan Sahadi and family physician Mary Margaret Ara have had their eye on the First National Bank building, which boasts four stone columns and sits on Market Street across from the courthouse, for a number of years. Read the full article here.

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Interview with Reagan Sahadi

Reagan Sahadi is a tenacious, hardworking personal injury attorney who represents clients in wrongful death and catastrophic injury cases throughout Texas and the nation. Reagan Sahadi was raised in South Texas and comes from a family of entrepreneurs. Read the full interview here.

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