All kinds of things can end up contributing to a car accident and causing injuries. One issue that should absolutely be addressed is any kind of vehicle or parts defect that helped cause a crash. A car manufacturer should be held responsible when this happens, and a Corpus Christi, Texas car accident lawyer from our firm will do their best to help you do this.

What Do I Have to Prove When I Sue a Car Manufacturer Over a Defect?

The main element that can make a case like this difficult is that showing that there is a defect isn’t enough. That may seem strange, but that’s just how these cases work. You have to show that there was a defect, and then you have to prove that it played a role in the events that led to your injuries and damages.

So you first have to show that there was a defect. Then you have to show that this defect helped contribute to the crash or somehow made your injuries worse. Then you must show that those injuries led to your damages. This can be tough to do, which is why we don’t recommend pursuing compensation on your own. Our lawyers can help you hold a car manufacturer accountable.

Can I Sue a Car Manufacturer if the Defective Vehicle Didn’t Belong to Me?

It’s also important to note that you do not have to be the owner of a defective vehicle in order to sue the car manufacturer. An accident can hurt the passenger of a defective vehicle, an occupant of another vehicle, or a cyclist or pedestrian who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We can help you pursue damages even if your vehicle was not the one with the defect.

Should I Hire a Lawyer?

A case like this can get complicated quickly. Proving that a defect resulted in or contributed to a car accident can be tough on its own, but the car manufacturer might not be the only person to blame for your injuries. As an example, it’s not uncommon for other drivers involved in the accident to also get sued in a case like this.

It’s going to be tough for you to build multiple cases against multiple defendants, showing how each one contributed to the crash in some way. An experienced lawyer can help you calculate fair compensation, gather evidence, and negotiate for a reasonable settlement offer.

Schedule Your Consultation

So if you were hurt in an accident and you believe that a defect was to blame, reach out to our legal team. When you contact Sahadi Legal Group you can schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. Let us tell you more about your legal options and what our lawyers can do to assist you.